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Geometry 3D Basics

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AccessCircle3DReturns individual fields of a circle in 3D.
AccessPlaneReturns individual fields of a plane.
AccessPoint3DReturns individual fields of a 3d point.
AccessPoint3DGridReturns individual fields of a point 3D grid.
AccessSegment3DReturns individual fields of a segment 3D.
AccessSphereReturns individual fields of a sphere.
ArrangePoint3DArrayCreates a point 3D grid structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates.
GetPoint3DGridElementGets the value of a single point of a point 3D grid.
GetPoint3DGridPoint_InterpolatedReturns an interpolated single point of a point 3D grid.
MakeCircle3DCreates a 3D circle structure from individual fields.
MakePlaneCreates a plane structure from individual fields.
MakePoint3DCreates a 3D point.
MakePoint3DGridCreates a point 3D grid structure from individual fields.
MakeSegment3DCreates a segment 3D structure from individual fields.
MakeSphereCreates a sphere structure from individual fields.
SkipEmptyPoint3DGridSecures against domain errors caused by empty grids, e.g. just before the FitPlaneToPoints filter is to be invoked.