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Geometry 2D Spatial Transforms

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AlignArcRequired when there is an arc defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignCircleRequired when there is a circle defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignCoordinateSystemThis filter is required e.g. when we first locate an object and then we locate its parts within it.
AlignLineRequired when there is a line defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignPointRequired when there is a point defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignPointArrayRequired when there are points defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignRectangleRequired when there is a rectangle defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignSegmentRequired when there is a segment defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
CropLineCreates a segment contained in a box from a line.
CropPathCreates a path contained in a box from another path.
CropPathArrayCreates an array of paths contained in a box from another array of paths.
CropPointArrayRemoves points not contained in a box from an array.
CropSegmentCreates a segment contained in a box from another segment.
PointAlongArcUsually used to revert an ImageAlongArc transformation.
PointAlongPathUsually used to revert an ImageAlongPath transformation.
RescaleArcChanges radius of an arc and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleCircleChanges radius of a circle and translates its center in relation to a reference point.
RescaleLineChanges the distance of a line to a reference point.
RescalePointChanges the distance of a point to a reference point.
RescalePointArrayChanges the distances of points from an array to a reference point.
RescaleRectangleChanges the corners and the dimensions of a rectangle.
RescaleSegmentLengthens or shortens a segment relatively.
RescaleVectorLengthens or shortens a vector relatively preserving its direction.
ResizeArcChanges radius of an arc.
ResizeArc_DeltaChanges radius of an arc by adding a value.
ResizeCircleChanges radius of a circle.
ResizeCircle_DeltaChanges radius of a circle by adding a value.
ResizeRectangleChanges dimensions of a rectangle.
ResizeRectangle_DeltaChanges dimensions of a rectangle by adding some values.
ResizeRectangle_RelativeChanges dimensions of a rectangle relatively.
ResizeSegmentLengthens or shortens a segment to a new length preserving its orientation and center point.
ResizeSegment_DeltaChanges length of a segment by adding a value preserving its orientation and center point.
ResizeVectorLengthens or shortens a vector preserving its direction.
ResizeVector_DeltaExtends length of a vector by adding a value preserving its direction.
ReverseArcInverts the direction of the arc.
ReverseSegmentSwaps the two endpoints of a segment.
RotateAngleAdds two angles.
RotateAngle_TowardChanges the input direction in the direction of minimum rotation toward the target direction.
RotateArcRotates an arc clockwise around center point.
RotateCircleRotates a circle clockwise around a center point.
RotateCoordinateSystemRotates a coordinate system around a center point.
RotateLineRotates a line clockwise around a center point.
RotatePointRotates a point clockwise around a center point.
RotatePointArrayRotates an array of points clockwise around a center point.
RotateRectangleRotates a rectangle clockwise around a center point.
RotateSegmentRotates a segment clockwise around a center point.
RotateVectorRotates a vector clockwise.
TranslateArcTranslates an arc by a vector.
TranslateCircleTranslates a circle by a vector.
TranslateCoordinateSystemTranslates a coordinate system by a vector.
TranslateLineTranslates a line by a vector.
TranslatePointTranslates a point by a vector.
TranslatePoint_TowardTranslates a point towards another point by a specified distance.
TranslatePointArrayTranslates an array of points by a vector.
TranslateRectangleTranslates a rectangle by a vector.
TranslateSegmentTranslates a segment by a vector.