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Captures a frame using Euresys frame grabber.

Name Type Range Description
inDeviceID String* Board name, board identifier or serial number
inTopology String* Board topology
inCameraTapConfiguration String* Tap configuration of camera
inConnector String Indication of connector used by channel
inAcquisitionMode MultiCamAcquisitionMode Acquisition Mode
inCameraFile File Camera configuration file
inPageLengthLn Integer* 1 - 65535 Page Length
inColorFormat MultiCamColorFormat Color format
inGain Integer* Linear control of gain for all digitizing units
outImage Image Captured frame


Board driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with board using its vendor SDK. To be able to connect with board it is required to install MultiCam SDK software. Currently Adaptive Vision Studio requires MultiCam version 6.9.

MultiCam drivers can be downloaded from following website: (registration may be required).

Supported frame grabbers:
  • GRABLINK series
  • DOMINO series
  • Picolo series
Board identification

When there is only one board connected to the computer, field inDeviceID can be set to Auto. In such case, first available board will be found and connected.

inDeviceID can be used to pick one of multiple boards connected to the computer. inDeviceID can be set to:

  • board name,
  • board identifier,
  • driver index,
  • pci position.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of MultiCam_GrabImage filter group.

See Also