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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Datacodes » RecognizeSingleDataMatrix_Deprecated


Extracts information from the first correct Data Matrix code from among the specified positions.

Name Type Range Description
inImage Image Input image
inDataMatrixPositions Rectangle2DArray Candidates for Data Matrix
inCodeType DataMatrixCodeType
inCodeColumnCount Integer* 1 - 160 Optional width of a Data Matrix
inCodeRowCount Integer* 1 - 160 Optional height of a Data Matrix
outDataMatrix DataMatrix?
diagValues Image? Image of decoded Data Matrix used by the reading algorithm


Usually used after DetectDataMatrices.


The operation reads a DataMatrix code on the inImage.

The operation is capable of reading codes from images subject to perspective distortion.

Supported code types: ECC 200 and ECC 000-140.

Around datamatrix must be quiet zone. The minimum quiet zone is equal to the width of a module on all four sides. For applications with moderate to excessive reflected noise in close proximity to the symbol, a quiet zone of 2 to 4 module widths is recommended.


RecognizeSingleDataMatrix_Deprecated results drawn onto an input image.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filters is member of RecognizeDataMatrices filter group.

See Also