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Creates simple array with object points.

Name Type Description
inBeginX Integer X of top left corner
inBeginY Integer Y of top left corner
inStep Real Distance between adjacent points
inWidth Integer Number of columns
inHeight Integer Number of rows
inRepeats Integer Number of copies of the pattern returned
outPoints Point3DArrayArray


When used with inWidth = 2, inHeight = 3, inRepeats = 1 and inStep = 1, the following Point3D array will be generated:
Point3D(X: 0,000, Y: 0,000, Z: 0,000)
Point3D(X: 1,000, Y: 0,000, Z: 0,000)
Point3D(X: 0,000, Y: 1,000, Z: 0,000)
Point3D(X: 1,000, Y: 1,000, Z: 0,000)
Point3D(X: 0,000, Y: 2,000, Z: 0,000)
Point3D(X: 1,000, Y: 2,000, Z: 0,000)


This filter is not a wrapper of an OpenCV function, but it is an utility function, which allows for easier usage of some OpenCV function wrappers.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also