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Gets register name

Name Type Description
inBoardNumber Integer Index of board
inCameraFileName File Camera file
inRegId Integer Register Id
outName String Register name


Board driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with board using its vendor SDK. To be able to connect with board it is required to install BitFlow SDK software. Currently Adaptive Vision Studio requires BitFlow SDK version 6.20.

BitFlow SDK can be downloaded from following website: (registration may be required).

Running application
This filter uses camera configuration files, which are loaded to register. To load this file to register you should use SysReg application from BitFlow SDK.
Registers management

Register IDs are declared in "BFTabRegister.h" located in Bitflow SDK. See the corresponding Bitflow Hardware Reference Manual for a description of each bit.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Adaptive Vision Studio Professional version.

See Also