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Smooths an image using a selected algorithm.

Filters in this group

SmoothImage_Mean - Usually used for computing features related to local image "windows". Can be also used for noise removal, but Gauss is superior here.
SmoothImage_Median - Edge-preserving noise removal (but slow).
SmoothImage_Mean_Mask - This is a faster alternative to SmoothImage_Mean when the kernel is very small.
SmoothImage_Median_Mask - Replaces each pixel with the median of pixels within a 3x3 rectangular kernel (faster).
SmoothImage_Mean_AnyKernel - Usually used for computing features related to local image "windows" having non-standard shape.
SmoothImage_Gauss - Removal of gaussian noise from images.
SmoothImage_Gauss_Mask - Removal of gaussian noise from images (fast).
SmoothImage_Deriche - Approximation of the gaussian filter, which can be faster for large kernels.