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Rubber Ring

Macrofilter Main

Macrofilter DetectRing

Macrofilter GetOuterAndInnerContour

Macrofilter DrawDefects

Used Filters

Icon Name Description
CloseRegion Filling-in small gaps in a region without making it thicker.
ConvertToEquidistantPath Creates a new path whose characteristic points lie on the input path, but are equally spaced.
ThresholdToRegion_Color Color analysis with a given reference color.
PathToPathDistanceProfile Computes the profile of distances between two paths.
ReverseArray Creates an array of the input array elements in reversed order.
FillRegionHoles Extends the input region so that it contains also all the pixels previously lying in its holes.
GetArrayElement_OrNil Extracts a single element from an array at the specified index; returns NIL if the index is out of range.
ClassifyByRange E.g. selection of the objects (e.g. blobs) whose associated values (e.g. area) meet the specified minimum and maximum requirements.
DrawPaths_SingleColor Draws paths on an image with a single color.
JoinArrays Concatenates the input arrays one after another.
AverageChannels Creates a monochromatic image by averaging the input image channels.
EnumerateImages Emulates image acquisition with images stored on disk.
MakePath Creates a path structure.
OpenRegion Removing small parts from a region without making it thinner.
RegionContours Computes an array of closed paths corresponding to the contours of the input region.