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Cap (Advanced)

Macrofilter Main

Macrofilter Display

Used Filters

Icon Name Description
ChooseByPredicate E.g. to choose GREEN color to visualize correct objects or RED to visualize defective ones.
EnumerateImages Emulates image acquisition with images stored on disk.
CreateBox Creates a box.
DrawStrings_TwoColors Draws strings (text) on an image with two colors, depending on the status of each string (usually: green or red for pass/fail status).
ScanSingleStripe Very fast detection or measurement of an object defined by a pair of opposite edges.
ScanSingleEdge Very fast detection of an object (e.g. horizontal displacement of a bottle) and simple measurements (e.g. liquid level in a bottle).
CreateCoordinateSystemFromPoint Most often used to define an object alignment from results of 1D Edge Detection or Blob Analysis.
DrawRectangles_SingleColor Draws rectangles on an image with a single color.
TestObjectNil Produces 'True' if the input object is NOT present or 'False' otherwise.