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Button Presence

Macrofilter Main

Macrofilter FindBoard

Macrofilter DrawResults

Macrofilter MainLoop

Used Filters

Icon Name Description
DrawStrings_SingleColor Draws strings (text) on an image with a single color.
NormalizeRectangleOrientation Changes orientation of the given rectangle according to parameters.
CreateCoordinateSystemFromRectangle Most often used to define an object alignment from a filter like RegionBoundingRectangle.
CreatePointGrid Creates a grid of points.
DrawCircles_TwoColors Draws circles on an image with two colors, depending on the status of each circle (usually: green or red for pass/fail status).
CountValueInArray Calculates the number of occurrences of an object in an array.
CheckPresence_Intensity Quick and easy presence verification, e.g. for missing caps, screws, labels.
EnumerateImages Emulates image acquisition with images stored on disk.
CreateCircle Creates a circle from an aligned point and radius.
ThresholdToRegion Extraction of a region of objects that can be defined by a salient brightness.
RegionBoundingRectangle Computes the smallest rectangle containing a region.
ConcatenateStrings Joins two or more strings into a single one.