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Icon Name Description
AccessLinearFunction Returns coefficients of a linear function.
Average Computes the average of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
MakeLinearFunction Creates a linear function with given coefficients.
Median Computes the median of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty. Optional weights, when supplied, must be positive.
NthValue Computes n-th smallest value in an array (0-indexed). The array must be not empty.
PearsonCorrelation Computes Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The array must be not empty.
Quantile Computes the specified quantile of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
StandardDeviation Computes the standard deviation of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
Variance Computes the variance of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.