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Regression Analysis

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Icon Name Description
LinearRegression Computes linear regression of given point set.
LinearRegression_LTE Computes linear regression of given point set using Least Trimmed Error algorithm.
LinearRegression_M Computes linear regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
LinearRegression_RANSAC Computes linear regression of given point set using RANSAC.
LinearRegression_TheilSen Computes linear regression of given point set using TheilSen algorithm.
QuadraticRegression Computes quadratic regression of given point set.
QuadraticRegression_M Computes quadratic regression of given point set using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression.
QuadraticRegression_RANSAC Computes quadratic regression of given point set using RANSAC.
Statistics_OfArray Computes basic statistical information out of an array of real numbers. The array must be not empty.
Statistics_OfLoop Computes basic statistical information out of real numbers appearing in consecutive iterations.