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Icon Name Description
AccessMatrix Return matrix dimensions and its elements row-by-row as a real array.
AddMatrices Add two matrices of identical dimensions
CombineMatrices Combine two matrices horizontally
ConcatenateMatrices Combine two matrices horizontally
CreateIdentityMatrix Create a square matrix with ones on the main diagonal, and zeros elsewhere.
CreateUniformMatrix Create a matrix with the specified dimensions and filled with an uniform element value.
GetMatrixColumn Gets the values from a single column of a matrix.
GetMatrixElement Gets the value of a single element of a matrix.
GetMatrixRow Gets the values from a single row of a matrix.
InvertMatrix Find the inverse of a square matrix.
MakeMatrix Create a matrix of specified dimensions with initial elements given row-by-row.
MatrixToRealArrayArray Converts a matrix to an array of its rows.
MultiplyMatrices Combine two matrices horizontally
MultiplyMatrixByReal Multiply all elements of a matrix by a value.
SetMatrixColumn Sets elements of a matrix column.
SetMatrixElement Sets a single element of a matrix.
SetMatrixRow Sets elements of a matrix row.
SkipEmptyMatrix Secures against domain errors caused by empty matrices.
StackMatrices Combine two matrices vertically
SubtractMatrices Subtract two matrices of identical dimensions
TransposeMatrix Find the transpose of a matrix.