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Loop Utils

Select a filter from the list below.

Icon Name Description
AccumulateElements Creates an array from elements appearing in many iterations.
CountConditions Counts in how many iterations the input condition was met.
CountValueInLoop Counts value occurrences in all loop iterations.
Exit If the specified condition is true, exits the macrofilter loop.
GetPreviousObjects Returns the current and the previous objects.
LastExactlyNObjects Returns an array of N most recent objects.
LastMarkedObject Returns the last value passed with inCondition set to 'True'.
LastMultipleObjects Returns an array of most recent objects.
LastNotNil Returns the last value passed that existed.
LastTwoObjects Returns the current and the previous object.
LoopMaximum Returns the object for which the associated value was the highest among all iterations.
LoopMinimum Returns the object for which the associated value was the lowest among all iterations.
TestFirstIteration Checks if a loop is in the first iteration.
TestObjectChanged Checks if the input object is different than in the previous iteration.