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Icon Name Description
Gocator_GenerateSoftwareTrigger Generates software trigger.
Gocator_GetCurrentJobName Reads current job name.
Gocator_GetTriggerSource Gets current trigger source.
Gocator_GrabImages Captures images from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabImages_WithTimeout Captures images from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabMeasurement Captures Measurement data from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabMeasurement_WithTimeout Captures Measurement data from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabPoint3DGrid Captures Point3DGrid (Un-Resampled surface) from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabPoint3DGrid_WithTimeout Captures Point3DGrid (Un-Resampled surface) from Gocator device with timeout; returns Nil if no data comes in the specified time.
Gocator_GrabProfile Captures profile from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabProfile_WithTimeout Captures profile from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabSection Captures Section from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabSection_WithTimeout Captures Section from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabSurface Captures Surface from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabSurface_WithTimeout Captures Surface from Gocator device with timeout; returns Nil if no data comes in the specified time.
Gocator_GrabUniformProfile Captures uniform profile from Gocator device.
Gocator_GrabUniformProfile_WithTimeout Captures uniform profile from Gocator device.
Gocator_LoadJob Loads new job.
Gocator_StartAcquisition Initializes and starts image acquisition in a Gocator device.
Gocator_StopAcquisition Stop image acquisition in a Gocator device.