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Geometry 2D Intersections

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Icon Name Description
CircleCircleIntersection Computes common points of two circles.
LineArcIntersection Computes the common points of an arc and a line.
LineCircleIntersection Computes common points of a circle and a line.
LineLineIntersection Computes a common point of two lines.
LineSegmentIntersection Computes a common point of a line and a segment.
SegmentArcIntersection Computes the common points of an arc and a segment.
SegmentArrayIntersections Computes a common points or segment of any segments from the set.
SegmentCircleIntersection Computes the common points of a circle and a segment.
SegmentSegmentIntersection Computes a common point of two segments.
TestRectangleIntersectsWith Tests if two rectangles intersect.