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Icon Name Description
AnyCameraModelToRectificationTransform Conversion
BoolToPassFailStatus Conversion between Bool and PassFailStatus
BoolToString Converts a boolean value to a string.
BoxToRectangle2D Converts a box to a rectangle.
BoxToShapeRegion Converts a box to a shape region.
Circle2DToRegionOfInterest Converts a circle to region of interest.
Circle2DToShapeRegion Converts a circle to a shape region.
DeepModelToDeepModel_AnomalyDetection1 Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_AnomalyDetection1
DeepModelToDeepModel_AnomalyDetection2 Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_AnomalyDetection2
DeepModelToDeepModel_Classification Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_Classification
DeepModelToDeepModel_FeatureDetection Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_FeatureDetection
DeepModelToDeepModel_InstanceSegmentation Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_ImageSegmentation
DeepModelToDeepModel_PointLocation Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_PointLocation
DirectoryToString Converts a directory path to a string.
DoubleToReal Converts a Double to Real
DoubleToString Converts a double number to a string.
FileToString Converts a file path to a string.
Gap1DToSegment2D Converts a gap to a segment.
GocatorAddressToString Converts a Gocator device address to a String.
ImageToImageFormat Converts an image to an image format.
ImageToSize Converts an image to a size.
IntegerArrayToRealArray Converts an array of integer numbers to an array of real numbers.
IntegerToDouble Converts an integer to a double number.
IntegerToLong Converts an Integer to Long
IntegerToPixel Converts an integer value to pixel.
IntegerToReal Converts an integer to a real number.
IntegerToString Converts an integer to a string.
LocationArrayToPoint2DArray Converts an array of locations to an array of points.
LocationToPoint2D Converts a location to its center point.
LongToDouble Converts a long to a double number.
LongToInteger Converts a Long to Integer
LongToString Converts a long to a string.
MatrixToRectificationTransform Conversion
PassFailStatusToBool Conversion between PassFailStatus and Bool
PathToPoint2DArray Converts a path to an array of points.
PinholeCameraModelToAnyCameraModel Conversion
PinholeCameraModelToRectificationTransform Conversion
Point2DArrayToLocationArray Converts an array of points to an array of locations.
Point2DToLocation Converts a point to a location its contained within.
Point3DArrayToPoint2DArray Converts an array of points in 3D to an array of points in 2D by ignoring their Z coordinates.
Point3DGridToPoint3DArray Converts a grid of points to an array of points.
Point3DToPoint2D Converts a point in 3D to a point in 2D by ignoring its Z coordinate.
ProfileToPoint2DArray Converts a profile to an array of points.
ProfileToRealArray Converts a profile to an array of real numbers.
RealArrayToIntegerArray Converts an array of real numbers to an array of integer numbers.
RealArrayToPixelArray Converts an array of real values to an array of pixels.
RealArrayToProfile Converts an array of real numbers to a profile.
RealToDouble Converts a Real to Double
RealToInteger Converts a real number to an integer.
RealToPixel Converts a real value to pixel.
RealToString Converts a real number to a string.
Rectangle2DToRegionOfInterest Converts a rectangle to region of interest.
Rectangle2DToShapeRegion Converts a rectangle to a shape region.
RegionToImage Converts a region to an image.
RegionToRegionOfInterest Converts a region to region of interest.
Segment2DToLine2D Converts a segment to a line.
Segment2DToPath Converts a segment to a path.
Segment3DToLine3D Converts a segment in 3D to a line in 3D.
StringLabelToString Converts a StringLabel object to a String.
StringToDirectory Converts a string to a directory path.
StringToFile Converts a string to a file path.
StringToGenParameterName Converts a string to a GenICam parameter name.
StringToGevAddress Converts a string to a GigEVision device address.
StringToGevParameterName Converts a string to a GigEVision parameter name.
StringToGevPixelFormat Converts a string to a GigEVision image pixel format.
StringToGocatorAddress Converts a string to a Gocator device address.
Stripe1DToSegment2D Converts a stripe to a segment.
SurfaceToImage Converts a surface object to an image.
SurfaceToPoint3DArray Converts a surface object to an array of points.
SurfaceToPoint3DGrid Converts a surface object to a grid of points.
SurfaceToSurfaceFormat Converts a surface to a surface format.
TelecentricCameraModelToAnyCameraModel Conversion
TelecentricCameraModelToRectificationTransform Conversion