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You are here: Start » Filter Reference » Camera Calibration » CalibrateCamera_Pinhole_Deprecated


Finds the camera intrinsic parameters from the input arrays of image and real-world coordinates. Uses pinhole camera model (perspective camera).

Name Type Range Description
inImagePoints Point2DArrayArray Array, for each view: array of 2D points of the calibration pattern, in the picture.
inWorldPlanePoints Point2DArrayArray Array, for each view: array of 2D points of the calibration pattern, in a world coordinate plane.
inImageWidth Integer 1 - Image width, used for initial estimation of principal point.
inImageHeight Integer 1 - Image height, used for initial estimation of principal point.
inDistortionType LensDistortionModelType Lens distortion model
inImagePointsStandardDeviation Real 0.0 - Assumed uncertainty of inImagePoints. Used for robust optimization and outCameraModelStdDev estimation.
inFocalLength Real* Specify a fixed focal length (do not estimate), in pixels. In order to calculate the inFocalLength from camera parameters one needs to divide the lens focal length [mm] by sensor pitch [mm/pix].
outCameraModel PinholeCameraModel
outCameraModelStdDev PinholeCameraModel Standard deviations of all model parameters, assuming that inImagePoints positions have a standard deviation equal to inImagePointsStandardDeviation.
outRmsError Real Final reprojection RMS error, in pixels.
outMaxReprojectionErrors RealArray For each view: the maximum reprojection error among all points.
outReprojectionErrorSegments Segment2DArrayArray For each view: array of segments connecting input image points to reprojected world points.


Camera calibration, image to world coordinates transformations.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Empty input array
DomainError Input array sizes differ

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.