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Image IO

Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description
DecodeVideo Captures a image from video file with using FFmpeg library.
EnumerateImages Emulates image acquisition with images stored on disk.
EnumerateImages_Random Emulates image acquisition with images stored on disk.
FillImageBuffer Fills image buffer with provided data.
FillImagePreviewBuffer Fills image buffer with provided data.
GetAvailableVideoCompressors List fourCCs names of available video compressors.
GrabImage_FromFiles_ResetState Resets global state of GrabImage_FromFiles filter
LoadImage Loads a single image from a file.
LoadImageFromBuffer Use this filter when you received an image file through I/O communication, e.g. through a TcpIp connection.
OpenInputVideoStream Opens and creates a video stream from a file.
OpenOutputVideoStream Creates a video stream which will be saved to a selected file.
ReadVideoStream Acquires frame from the previously opened video stream.
SaveImage Saves an image to a file.
SaveImage_Asynchronous Saves an image to a file in the background thread.
SaveImageToBuffer Use this filter if you want to send image file through I/O communication, e.g. through a TcpIp connection.
SaveImageToJpeg Saves an image to a JPEG file.
SaveImageToJpeg_Asynchronous Saves an image to a JPEG file in the background thread.
SaveImageToPng Saves an image to a PNG file.
SaveImageToPng_Asynchronous Saves an image to a PNG file in the background thread.
SaveImageToTiff Saves an image to a TIFF file.
SaveImageToTiff_Asynchronous Saves an image to a TIFF file in the background thread.
WriteVideoStream Writes an image to a previously opened video stream.

Select Filter Equivalent below.

Icon Name Description
AvsFilter_ReadVideo Reads a frame sequence from a video file.
AvsFilter_WriteVideo Writes an image sequence to a video file one frame per iteration.