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Image Basics

Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description
ClearImage Sets image pixels to the specified value.
CopyImageData Creates an image copy with the same size and pixel format.
EmptyImage Creates a uniform image.
FillImage Fills the picture with color.
GetImageColumn Extracts an array of pixel values from a single column of an image.
GetImagePixel Returns a single pixel of an image.
GetImagePixel_Interpolated Sub-pixel sampling of an image.
GetImageRow Extracts an array of pixel values from a single row of an image.
GetMultipleImagePixelValues_Safe Safely returns an array of pixel values of an image.
ImageBox Produces the box of image dimensions
ImageCharacteristicPoint Returns a characteristic point of image.
ImageToMatrix Converts a single-channel image to a matrix.
JoinProfilesIntoImage Usually used for merging 3D profiles into a depth image.
JoinProfilesIntoImage_OfSeries Usually used for merging 3D profiles into a depth image.
LoadImageObject Loads serialized Image object from avdata file.
MakeImage Converts a pixel array to a single-channel image.
MatrixToImage Converts a matrix image to a single-channel real image.
RealignImagePitch Creates a new image with a standard pitch alignment.
SaveImageObject Saves serialized Image object as avdata file.
SetImageColumn Allows for creating images from calculated real values. It is significantly slower than SetImageRow.
SetImagePixel Sets a pixel of an image to the selected value.
SetImagePixels Sets pixels of an image to the selected value.
SetImageRow Allows for creating images from calculated real values.
SetMultipleImagePixels Sets pixels of an image to the selected values.
TestImage Makes it possible to quickly present results of various image processing filters.