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Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description
Hilscher_Channel_Close Closes a Hilscher device channel connection.
Hilscher_Channel_GetSlots Retrieves the current slot configuration.
Hilscher_Channel_IORead_SInt16 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_IORead_SInt32 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_IORead_SInt64 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_IORead_SInt8 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_IOWrite_SInt16 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_IOWrite_SInt32 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_IOWrite_SInt64 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_IOWrite_SInt8 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_Open_Profinet Opens a Hilscher device channel connection.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotRead_SInt16 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotRead_SInt32 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotRead_SInt64 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotRead_SInt8 Receives generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotWrite_SInt16 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotWrite_SInt32 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotWrite_SInt64 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Channel_SlotWrite_SInt8 Sends generic packet that can be filled with any data through Hilscher device.
Hilscher_Driver_Close Closes a Hilscher device driver connection.
Hilscher_Driver_GetBoardInformation Gets Hilscher device board information.
Hilscher_Driver_GetChannelInformation Gets Hilscher device channel information.
Hilscher_Driver_GetInformation Gets Hilscher device driver information.
Hilscher_Driver_Open Opens a Hilscher device driver connection.
Hilscher_Driver_Restart Restarts Hilscher device.