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Binary Data

Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description
LoadBuffer Reads bytes from a file and returns them as a bytes buffer.
SaveBuffer Writes bytes from a byte buffer to a file.

Select Filter Equivalent below.

Icon Name Description
ReadBoolFromBuffer Reads boolean value in specified binary format from byte buffer.
ReadBufferArrayFromBuffer Splits chunk of data from byte buffer into array of buffers of equal sizes.
ReadDoubleFromBuffer Reads double value in specified binary format from a byte buffer.
ReadIntegerArrayFromBuffer Reads an array of integer values in specified binary format from a byte buffer.
ReadIntegerFromBuffer Reads integer value in specified binary format from a byte buffer.
ReadRealFromBuffer Reads real value in specified binary format from a byte buffer.
ReadStringFromBuffer Reads string value in specified binary format from a byte buffer.
WriteBoolToBuffer Converts boolean value into specified integer binary representation and writes it to a byte buffer.
WriteBufferArrayToBuffer Writes connected content of all source buffer array items into other byte buffer.
WriteBufferToBuffer Writes content of a source byte buffer into other byte buffer.
WriteDoubleToBuffer Converts double value into specified binary representation and writes it to a byte buffer.
WriteIntegerArrayToBuffer Converts an array of integer values into specified binary representation and writes it to a byte buffer.
WriteIntegerToBuffer Converts integer value into specified binary representation and writes it to a byte buffer.
WriteRealToBuffer Converts real value into specified binary representation and writes it to a byte buffer.
WriteStringToBuffer Converts string value into specified binary representation and writes it to a byte buffer.