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Array Statistics

Select Filter Equivalent below.

Icon Name Description
AvsFilter_CountValueInArray Calculates the number of occurrences of an object in an array.
GetMaximumElement Choosing one object from an array on the basis of some feature, e.g. the blob having the highest area.
GetMaximumElement_OrNil Choosing one object from an array on the basis of some feature, e.g. the blob having the highest area.
GetMedianElement Gets array element corresponding to median value from the inValues array.
GetMedianElement_OrNil Gets array element corresponding to median value from the inValues array; returns NIL if the arrays are empty.
GetMinimumElement Choosing one object from an array on the basis of some feature, e.g. the blob having the smallest convexity.
GetMinimumElement_OrNil Choosing one object from an array on the basis of some feature, e.g. the blob having the smallest convexity.
GetNthElement Returns the array element corresponding to the n-th biggest/smallest value from the inValues array.
GetNthElement_OrNil Returns the array element corresponding to the n-th biggest/smallest value from the inValues array; returns NIL if the arrays are empty.
GetSortedElements Returns elements corresponding to 8 smallest/biggest values from the array of values.