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AVS.AvsFilter_ScanExactlyNEdges3D Method

Locates a specified number of the strongest changes of surface height along a given path.



public static void AvsFilter_ScanExactlyNEdges3D
	AvlNet.ScanMapState ioState,
	AvlNet.Surface inSurface,
	AvlNet.Path inScanPath,
	AvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D? inScanPathAlignment,
	float? inSamplingStep,
	int inScanWidth,
	AvlNet.InterpolationMethod inSurfaceInterpolation,
	AvlNet.EdgeScanParams3D inEdgeScanParams,
	int inEdgeCount,
	AvlNet.Selection inEdgeSelection,
	float inMinDistance,
	float? inMaxDistance,
	AvlNet.LocalBlindness? inLocalBlindness,
	int? inMaxProfileGapWidth,
	INullable<List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>> outEdges,
	NullableRef<AvlNet.Path> outAlignedScanPath


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inScanPathAvlNet.PathPath along which the scan is performed.
inScanPathAlignmentAvlNet.CoordinateSystem2D?Adjusts the scan path to the position of the inspected object. Default value: atl::NIL.
inSamplingStepfloat?<0.0f, INF>Distance between consecutive sampling points on the scan path; if Nil, the bigger of surface X and Y scales is chosen. Default value: atl::NIL.
inScanWidthint<1, INF>5Width of the scan field in pixels. Default value: 5.
inSurfaceInterpolationAvlNet.InterpolationMethodBilinearInterpolation method used for extraction of surface points. Default value: Bilinear.
inEdgeScanParamsAvlNet.EdgeScanParams3DEdgeScanParams3D ( ProfileInterpolation: Quadratic4 SmoothingStdDev: 0.6f MinMagnitude: 5.0f EdgeTransition: LowToHigh )Parameters controlling the surface edge extraction process. Default value: EdgeScanParams3D ( ProfileInterpolation: Quadratic4 SmoothingStdDev: 0.6f MinMagnitude: 5.0f EdgeTransition: LowToHigh ).
inEdgeCountint<0, INF>1Number of surface edges to be found. Default value: 1.
inEdgeSelectionAvlNet.SelectionSelection mode of the resulting edges.
inMinDistancefloat<0.0f, INF>0.0fMinimal distance between consecutive edges. Default value: 0.0f.
inMaxDistancefloat?<0.0f, INF>Maximal distance between consecutive edges. Default value: atl::NIL.
inLocalBlindnessAvlNet.LocalBlindness?Defines conditions in which weaker edges can be detected in the vicinity of stronger edges. Default value: atl::NIL.
inMaxProfileGapWidthint?<0, INF>1Maximal number of consecutive not existing profile points. Default value: 1.
outEdgesAvlNet.INullable<System.Collections.Generic.List<AvlNet.SurfaceEdge1D>>Found surface edges. This parameter cannot be null.
outAlignedScanPathAvlNet.NullableRef<AvlNet.Path>Path along which the scan is performed; in the image coordinate system. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.

Function Overrides

See also