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Computes the [mean] square error between two profiles.



public static void ProfileDistance
	AvlNet.Profile inProfile1,
	AvlNet.Profile inProfile2,
	AvlNet.DistanceMeasure inDistanceMeasure,
	out float outDistance


Name Type Range Default Description
inProfile1AvlNet.ProfileFirst input profile.
inProfile2AvlNet.ProfileSecond input profile.
inDistanceMeasureAvlNet.DistanceMeasureMeasure of distance.
outDistancefloatOutput distance value.


The operation computes the approximate difference between two profiles using the selected distance measure.

  • If the inDistanceMeasure is set to MeanError then the resulting outDistance is the average difference between corresponding values of the profiles.
  • If the inDistanceMeasure is set to MeanSquaredError then the resulting outDistance is the average squared difference between corresponding values of the profiles.

The operation requires that the profiles being compared have equal sizes, otherwise an error with appropriate description occurs.


Mean Squared Error between the sample profiles equals 25245.070.

Mean Error between the sample profiles equals 0.803.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError DistanceMeasure type not supported in ProfileDistance.
DomainError Empty profile range in ProfileDistance.
DomainError Empty profiles on input in ProfileDistance.
DomainError Input profiles have different X coordinates in ProfileDistance.
DomainError Range exceeds the input profile in ProfileDistance.
DomainError Sizes of input profiles differ in ProfileDistance.

Function Overrides

See also