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Approximates points of the input grid with a plane using the Least Squares method.



public static void FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid
	AvlNet.Point3DGrid inPointGrid,
	out AvlNet.Plane3D outPlane,
	NullableRef<List<float>> outDistances,
	NullableValue<float> outSignedDistanceSum,
	NullableValue<float> outDistanceSum,
	NullableRef<List<float>> outSquaredDistances,
	NullableValue<float> outSquaredDistanceSum


Name Type Range Default Description
inPointGridAvlNet.Point3DGridInput point grid.
outPlaneAvlNet.Plane3DFitted plane.
outDistancesAvlNet.NullableRef<System.Collections.Generic.List<float>>Distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outSignedDistanceSumAvlNet.NullableValue<float>Sum of signed distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outDistanceSumAvlNet.NullableValue<float>Sum of distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outSquaredDistancesAvlNet.NullableRef<System.Collections.Generic.List<float>>Squared distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.
outSquaredDistanceSumAvlNet.NullableValue<float>Sum of squared distances of the input grid points to a resulting plane. Can be null to skip this parameter calculation.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError No points to fit the plane to in FitPlaneToPoint3DGrid.

Function Overrides

See also