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Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane.



public static void FitCircleToSurfaceHole
	AvlNet.Surface inSurface,
	NullableRef<AvlNet.Region> inRoi,
	AvlNet.MEstimator inPlaneOutlierSuppression,
	float inClippingFactor,
	int inIterationCount,
	AvlNet.Plane3D? inInitialPlane,
	AvlNet.CircleFittingMethod inCircleFittingMethod,
	AvlNet.MEstimator? inCircleOutlierSuppression,
	INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D> outCircle3D,
	out AvlNet.Plane3D outPlane


Name Type Range Default Description
inSurfaceAvlNet.SurfaceInput surface.
inRoiAvlNet.NullableRef<AvlNet.Region>Region of interest. Default value: atl::NIL.
inPlaneOutlierSuppressionAvlNet.MEstimatorSelects a method for ignoring points not lying on the fitted plane.
inClippingFactorfloat<0.675f, 6.0f>2.5fMultitude of standard deviation within which points are considered inliers. Default value: 2.5f.
inIterationCountint<0, INF>5Number of iterations of outlier suppressing algorithm. Default value: 5.
inInitialPlaneAvlNet.Plane3D?Initial approximation of a plane (if available). Default value: atl::NIL.
inCircleFittingMethodAvlNet.CircleFittingMethodSelect a method for fitting a circle to a set of points.
inCircleOutlierSuppressionAvlNet.MEstimator?Selects a method for ignoring points not lying on the fitted circle. Default value: atl::NIL.
outCircle3DAvlNet.INullable<AvlNet.Circle3D>Circle fitted to a surface hole. This parameter cannot be null.
outPlaneAvlNet.Plane3DPlane fitted to the surface points.

Function Overrides

See also