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Path Spatial Transforms

Icon Name Description
AlignPath Required when there is a path defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
AlignPathArray Required when there are paths defined in a local coordinate system, but the next image-related filter in the program does not have any inAlignment input.
FitPathToPath Rotates and shifts a path to minimize average distance between its points and a reference path.
InflatePath Enlarges a shape by a given margin (points in the input path must be sorted clockwise)
PathAlongArc Usually used to revert an ImageAlongArc transformation.
PathAlongPath Usually used to revert an ImageAlongPath transformation.
PathProjectionProfile Computes the distance from the line to the path.
RescalePath Translates each point of a path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
RescalePathArray Translates each point of each path proportionally to its distance to a reference point.
ReversePath Reverses the order of points in a path.
RotatePath Rotates a path clockwise around a center point.
RotatePathArray Rotates an array of paths clockwise around a center point.
ShiftPath Moves every vertex of path along bisector of the angle between incident segments.
TranslatePath Translates a path by a vector.
TranslatePathArray Translates an array of paths by a vector.
TransposePath Flips and rotates a path so that x-coordinates are exchanged with y-coordinates.