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Path Combinators

Icon Name Description
AveragePath Computes the average of two paths (of equal size and type) point by point.
ConcatenatePaths Joins two open paths.
ConcatenatePaths_OfArray Joins open paths of an array.
ConcatenatePaths_OfLoop Joins open paths appearing in consecutive iterations.
JoinAdjacentPaths Joins those paths of an array which endpoints lie near enough.
PathLineIntersections Computes the common points of a path and a line.
PathPathIntersections Computes the common points of two paths.
PathSegmentIntersections Computes the common points of a path and a segment.
SplitPathByLine Splits path in common points of a path and a line.
SplitPathByPath Splits path in common points of two paths.
SplitPathBySegment Splits path in common points of a path and a segment.