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Surface Features

Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description Library
SurfaceArea Computes the surface area of given surface. Professional
SurfaceBoundingBox Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface. Professional
SurfaceBoundingBox_OrNil Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface; returns NIL if no valid point is present. Professional
SurfaceFlatness Computes the surface flatness i.e. how thick the surface is according to the input plane. Professional
SurfaceLocalMaxima Detection of characteristic points, usually after some surface transformations. Professional
SurfaceLocalMinima Detection of characteristic points, usually after some surface transformations. Professional
SurfaceMassCenter Computes the mass center of surface points. Professional
SurfaceMassCenter_OrNil Computes the mass center of surface points; returns NIL if the surface is empty in the given region. Professional
SurfaceMaximalPoint Finds the surface point with maximal Z coordinate. Professional
SurfaceMedian Finds the median Z coordinate of the surface points. Professional
SurfaceMedian_OrNil Finds the median Z coordinate of the surface points; returns NIL if the surface is empty in the given region. Professional
SurfaceMinimalPoint Finds the surface point with minimal Z coordinate. Professional
SurfaceProfileAlongPath This is the first step of all 1D Edge Detection 3D operations. Here available for direct use by the user. Professional
SurfaceToPlaneDistanceImage Computes the image of the distances of the input surface points from a given plane. Professional
SurfaceValidPointsRegion Computes region of locations where points are valid in a surface and where they are invalid. Professional
SurfaceVolume Computes the volume of given surface. Professional