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Surface Basics

Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description Library
ArrangePoint3DArray Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates. Professional
ArrangePoint3DGrid Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates. Professional
ConvertCoordinateSystem2DTo3D Converts a coordinate system connected with the surface image to a coordinate system connected with the surface. Professional
ConvertSurfaceType Changes the point Z coordinate type. Professional
CreateFlatSurface Creates a uniform surface. Professional
GetSurfaceElement_Interpolated Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its surface grid coordinates. Professional
GetSurfacePath Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their surface grid coordinates. Professional
ProjectPathOntoSurface Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their coordinates in surface coordinate system. Professional
ProjectPointOntoSurface Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system. Professional
ResamplePoint3DGrid Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates and trying to preserve continuity of the surface. Professional
SkipEmptySurface Secures against domain errors caused by empty surfaces, e.g. just before the FitPlaneToSurface filter is to be invoked. Professional
SkipEmptySurfaceRegion Secures against domain errors caused by regions with no valid point, e.g. just before the SurfaceMassCenter filter is to be invoked. Professional
TestSurface Returns a sample 3D surface. Professional

Select Filter Equivalent below.

Icon Name Description Library
AvsFilter_AccessSurface Returns individual fields of a surface. Professional
AvsFilter_GetSurfaceElement Gets the value of a single point of a surface. Professional
MakeSurfaceFromImage Creating Surface structure out of depth map image obtained from a 3D depth camera or other external sources using 2D images to transfer depth map data. Professional