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Region Morphology

Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description Library
CloseRegion Filling-in small gaps in a region without making it thicker. Professional
CloseRegion_AnyKernel Filling-in gaps of a particular shape without making the region thicker. Professional
DemarcateRegions Use this filter to make sure that the regions of an array do not intersect. Professional
DilateRegion Making the region thicker or filling-in small holes within it. Professional
DilateRegion_AnyKernel Making the region thicker in a non-symmetrical way or filling-in gaps of a particular shape. Professional
ErodeRegion Making the region thinner or removing small parts. Professional
ErodeRegion_AnyKernel Making the region thinner in a non-symmetrical way or removing small parts of a particular shape. Professional
ErodeRegion_Threshold Erodes a region with inThresholdValue pixels of inKernel. Professional
ExpandRegions Use this filter to make sure that every pixel belongs to a region. Professional
OpenRegion Removing small parts from a region without making it thinner. Professional
OpenRegion_AnyKernel Removing small parts of a particular shape without making the region thinner. Professional
PruneRegion Removes one pixel wide branches from a region. Professional
RegionHitAndMissTransform Performs a hit-and-miss transformation on a region using arbitrary kernels. Professional
SkeletonizeRegion Thins a region to its skeleton. Professional
ThickenRegion Performs a morphological thickening on a region using predefined kernels. Professional
ThinRegion Performs a morphological thinning on a region using predefined kernels. Professional