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Treats Matrix as a data frame, where examples are in rows while columns represent features, and normalizes the data by subtracting mean from each column and dividing it by its standard deviation.


void avl::NormalizeMatrixData
	const avl::Matrix& inMatrix,
	atl::Optional<const avl::Matrix&> inMeansVector,
	atl::Optional<const avl::Matrix&> inStandardDeviationsVector,
	avl::Matrix& outNormalizedMatrix,
	avl::Matrix& outMeansVector,
	avl::Matrix& outStandardDeviationsVector


Name Type Default Description
inMatrix const Matrix& Input data frame.
inMeansVector Optional<const Matrix&> NIL If provided, will be used in normalization of inMatrix.
inStandardDeviationsVector Optional<const Matrix&> NIL If provided, will be used in normalization of inMatrix.
outNormalizedMatrix Matrix& Resulting normalized matrix.
outMeansVector Matrix& Resulting Means vector - copy of inMeansVector, or calculated Means, if inMeansVector was set NIL.
outStandardDeviationsVector Matrix& Resulting StdDevs vector - copy of inStandardDeviationsVector, or calculated Means, if inStandardDeviationsVector was set NIL.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Incorrect matrix dimensions in NormalizeData.
DomainError One can provide both Means and StdDevs vector or none of them.