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Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description Library
AddMatrices Add two matrices of identical dimensions Lite
CombineMatrices Combine two matrices horizontally Lite
ConcatenateMatrices Combine two matrices horizontally Lite
CreateIdentityMatrix Create a square matrix with ones on the main diagonal, and zeros elsewhere. Lite
CreateUniformMatrix Create a matrix with the specified dimensions and filled with an uniform element value. Lite
InvertMatrix Find the inverse of a square matrix. Lite
LoadMatrix Loads serialized Matrix object from avdata file. Lite
MultiplyMatrices Combine two matrices horizontally Lite
MultiplyMatrixByReal Multiply all elements of a matrix by a value. Lite
SaveMatrix Saves serialized Matrix object as avdata file. Lite
StackMatrices Combine two matrices vertically Lite
SubtractMatrices Subtract two matrices of identical dimensions Lite
TransposeMatrix Find the transpose of a matrix. Lite

Select Filter Equivalent below.

Icon Name Description Library
AccessMatrix Return matrix dimensions and its elements row-by-row as a real array. Lite
GetMatrixColumn Gets the values from a single column of a matrix. Lite
GetMatrixElement Gets the value of a single element of a matrix. Lite
GetMatrixRow Gets the values from a single row of a matrix. Lite
MakeMatrix Create a matrix of specified dimensions with initial elements given row-by-row. Lite
MatrixToRealArrayArray Converts a matrix to an array of its rows. Lite
SetMatrixColumn Sets elements of a matrix column. Lite
SetMatrixElement Sets a single element of a matrix. Lite
SetMatrixRow Sets elements of a matrix row. Lite
SkipEmptyMatrix Secures against domain errors caused by empty matrices. Lite