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Image Spatial Transforms

Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description Library
CreateAffineTransformMatrix Creates affine transform matrix matrix. Return product of matrices: Translation * Rotation * Scale * Shearing. Professional
CreateImagePyramid Creates an array of images, each downsampled from the previous one. Professional
CreateImagePyramid_Gauss Creates an array of images, each downsampled from the previous, gauss-smoothed one. Professional
CropImage Reduction of the amount of image data to be stored in memory. Lite
CropImageToRectangle Usually used for creating images of individual objects, e.g. after Template Matching. Lite
CropImageToRegion Crops an image to the area of the specified region. Lite
DownsampleImage Usually used to speed-up image analysis at the cost of reduced precision. It is internally used to implement the pyramid strategy in template matching filters. Professional
ImageAlongArc E.g. "Unwrapping" of object contours, so that they appear as 1D structures on the output image. Professional
ImageAlongPath E.g. "Unwrapping" of object contours, so that they appear as 1D structures on the output image. Professional
ImageInversePolarTransform Transforms an image from polar or log-polar space to euclidean space. Professional
ImagePolarTransform Transforms an image to polar or log-polar space. Professional
JoinImages Creates a single image by glueing together the two input images in horizontal or vertical direction. Lite
JoinImages_OfArray Creates a single image by glueing together many input images in horizontal or vertical direction. Lite
JoinImages_OfSeries Joining images from a line-scan camera, which produces too few lines at a time. Lite
MirrorImage Reverses the order of the input image columns or rows depending on inMirrorDirection value. Lite
ResizeImage Enlarges or shrinks an image to new dimensions. Lite
ResizeImage_Relative Resizes an image by a factor along each axis. Lite
RotateImage Rotates an image clockwise. Lite
ShearImage Image preprocessing when there are slanted objects. Lite
ShrinkImageNTimes Shrinks an image by a natural factor along each axis. Lite
TransformImage Transforms an image by the provided transformation matrix. Lite
TranslateImage E.g. camera shaking reduction. Lite
TranslatePixels Moves the pixels of the input image by the vectors specified with inVectorImage. Lite
TransposeImage Useful when operations on image columns should be replaced with operations on image rows, which are much faster due to the cache memory. Professional
UncropImage Inverse of CropImage. Lite