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Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description Library
GenTL_Cleanup Closes all internally opened (cached) GenTL software modules not held any more by any opened handle. Professional
GenTL_CloseHandle Closes a handle opened in GenTL subsystem. Professional
GenTL_EnumLibraries Returns a list of loaded GenTL provider libraries available in the local system. Professional
GenTL_EnumLibraryInterfaces Returns a list of communication interfaces available in specified provider module library. Professional
GenTL_FindDevices Performs enumeration of GenTL devices and returns a list of present device descriptors. Professional
GenTL_FlushInputQueue Discards remaining received and queued image frames in device video stream. Professional
GenTL_GetAcquisitionActive Checks if specified device is currently streaming video. Professional
GenTL_GetInterfaceDescriptor Reads description of GenTL provider communication interface. Professional
GenTL_GetLibraryDescriptor Reads description of GenTL provider library. Professional
GenTL_GetPixelFormats Retrieves a list of available pixel formats supported by opened device. Professional
GenTL_OpenDevice Opens a handle to a device provided by GenTL library. Professional
GenTL_OpenDeviceModuleSettings Opens configuration node set of GenTL device (a device module configuration) of application side transport layer. Professional
GenTL_OpenDeviceStreamModuleSettings Opens configuration node set of application side transport layer of GenTL device first data stream (a stream module configuration). Professional
GenTL_OpenInterfaceModuleSettings Opens configuration node set (an interface module configuration) of GenTL provider communication interface. Professional
GenTL_OpenLibrarySystemModuleSettings Opens configuration node set (a system module configuration) of GenTL provider library. Professional
GenTL_ReceiveImage Receives next frame from video stream. Professional
GenTL_StartAcquisition Initializes and starts image acquisition in a device. Professional
GenTL_StopAcquisition Stops image acquisition in a device. Professional
GenTL_TryReceiveImage Receives next frame from video stream. Professional