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Select a function from the list below.

Icon Name Description Library
AnyCameraModelToRectificationTransform Conversion Professional
BoolToPassFailStatus Conversion between Bool and PassFailStatus Professional
BoxToRectangle2D Converts a box to a rectangle. Professional
BoxToShapeRegion Converts a box to a shape region. Professional
Circle2DToRegionOfInterest Converts a circle to region of interest. Professional
Circle2DToShapeRegion Converts a circle to a shape region. Professional
DeepModelToDeepModel_AnomalyDetection1 Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_AnomalyDetection1 Professional
DeepModelToDeepModel_AnomalyDetection2 Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_AnomalyDetection2 Professional
DeepModelToDeepModel_Classification Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_Classification Professional
DeepModelToDeepModel_FeatureDetection Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_FeatureDetection Professional
DeepModelToDeepModel_InstanceSegmentation Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_ImageSegmentation Professional
DeepModelToDeepModel_PointLocation Conversion between DeepModel and DeepModel_PointLocation Professional
Gap1DToSegment2D Converts a gap to a segment. Professional
ImageToImageFormat Converts an image to an image format. Professional
ImageToSize Converts an image to a size. Professional
IntegerToPixel Converts an integer value to pixel. Professional
LocationArrayToPoint2DArray Converts an array of locations to an array of points. Professional
LocationToPoint2D Converts a location to its center point. Professional
MatrixToRectificationTransform Conversion Professional
PassFailStatusToBool Conversion between PassFailStatus and Bool Professional
PathToPoint2DArray Converts a path to an array of points. Professional
PinholeCameraModelToAnyCameraModel Conversion Professional
PinholeCameraModelToRectificationTransform Conversion Professional
Point2DArrayToLocationArray Converts an array of points to an array of locations. Professional
Point2DToLocation Converts a point to a location its contained within. Professional
Point3DArrayToPoint2DArray Converts an array of points in 3D to an array of points in 2D by ignoring their Z coordinates. Professional
Point3DGridToPoint3DArray Converts a grid of points to an array of points. Professional
Point3DToPoint2D Converts a point in 3D to a point in 2D by ignoring its Z coordinate. Professional
ProfileToPoint2DArray Converts a profile to an array of points. Professional
ProfileToRealArray Converts a profile to an array of real numbers. Professional
RealArrayToPixelArray Converts an array of real values to an array of pixels. Professional
RealArrayToProfile Converts an array of real numbers to a profile. Professional
RealToPixel Converts a real value to pixel. Professional
Rectangle2DToRegionOfInterest Converts a rectangle to region of interest. Professional
Rectangle2DToShapeRegion Converts a rectangle to a shape region. Professional
RegionToImage Converts a region to an image. Professional
RegionToRegionOfInterest Converts a region to region of interest. Professional
Segment2DToLine2D Converts a segment to a line. Professional
Segment2DToPath Converts a segment to a path. Professional
Segment3DToLine3D Converts a segment in 3D to a line in 3D. Professional
StringLabelToString Converts a StringLabel object to a String. Professional
Stripe1DToSegment2D Converts a stripe to a segment. Professional
SurfaceToImage Converts a surface object to an image. Professional
SurfaceToPoint3DArray Converts a surface object to an array of points. Professional
SurfaceToPoint3DGrid Converts a surface object to a grid of points. Professional
SurfaceToSurfaceFormat Converts a surface to a surface format. Professional
TelecentricCameraModelToAnyCameraModel Conversion Professional
TelecentricCameraModelToRectificationTransform Conversion Professional

Select Filter Equivalent below.

Icon Name Description Library
BoolToString Converts a boolean value to a string. Lite
DirectoryToString Converts a directory path to a string. Lite
DoubleToReal Converts a Double to Real Lite
DoubleToString Converts a double number to a string. Lite
FileToString Converts a file path to a string. Lite
GocatorAddressToString Converts a Gocator device address to a String. Lite
IntegerArrayToRealArray Converts an array of integer numbers to an array of real numbers. Lite
IntegerToDouble Converts an integer to a double number. Lite
IntegerToLong Converts an Integer to Long Lite
IntegerToReal Converts an integer to a real number. Lite
IntegerToString Converts an integer to a string. Lite
LongToDouble Converts a long to a double number. Lite
LongToInteger Converts a Long to Integer Lite
LongToString Converts a long to a string. Lite
RealArrayToIntegerArray Converts an array of real numbers to an array of integer numbers. Lite
RealToDouble Converts a Real to Double Lite
RealToInteger Converts a real number to an integer. Lite
RealToString Converts a real number to a string. Lite
StringToDirectory Converts a string to a directory path. Lite
StringToFile Converts a string to a file path. Lite
StringToGenParameterName Converts a string to a GenICam parameter name. Professional
StringToGevAddress Converts a string to a GigEVision device address. Professional
StringToGevParameterName Converts a string to a GigEVision parameter name. Professional
StringToGevPixelFormat Converts a string to a GigEVision image pixel format. Professional
StringToGocatorAddress Converts a string to a Gocator device address. Lite