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Template Matching

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CreateEdgeModelDynamic creation of models in the runtime environment (normally they are created interactively in Studio).
CreateGrayModelDynamic creation of models in the runtime environment (normally they are created interactively in Studio).
LocateMultipleObjects_EdgesDetection of multiple objects whose outlines are sharp and rigid. Often one of the first filters in a program.
LocateMultipleObjects_NCCDetection of objects with blurred or unclear edges. Often one of the first filters in a program.
LocateMultipleObjects_SADAlmost always inferior to NCC, so rarely used in real applications.
LocateSingleObject_EdgesDetection of an object whose outlines are sharp and rigid. Often one of the first filters in a program.
LocateSingleObject_NCCDetection of an object with blurred or unclear edges. Often one of the first filters in a program.
LocateSingleObject_SADAlmost always inferior to NCC, so rarely used in real applications.
MergeLocationResults_MultipleCombines results from multiple LocateMultipleObject instances.
MergeLocationResults_SingleCombines results from multiple LocateSingleObject instances.