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Shape Features

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ShapeAreaComputes the area of a shape.
ShapeCircularityComputes the area of a shape divided by the area of a circle having the same feature.
ShapeConvexityComputes the area of a shape divided by the area of its convex hull.
ShapeEllipticAxesComputes axes of an ellipse having the same first and second order moments as the given shape.
ShapeElongationComputes the elongation factor of a shape (perfect circle has minimal elongation equal 1.0).
ShapeInscribedCircleComputes the circle with the maximal possible area contained in the input shape.
ShapeMassCenterComputes the mass center of a shape.
ShapeMomentComputes the selected second-order moment of a shape in regular and normalized ( divided by shape area ) variant.
ShapeOrientationComputes the shape orientation as angle with value in range 0.0 - 180.0.
ShapeRectangularityComputes the area of a shape divided by the area of its bounding rectangle.
ShapeWithNormalizedOrientationReturns the same shape but with orientation corresponding to the axes.