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Point3DGrid Basics

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AccessPoint3DGridReturns individual fields of a point 3D grid.
GetPoint3DGridElementGets the value of a single point of a point 3D grid.
GetPoint3DGridPoint_InterpolatedReturns an interpolated single point of a point 3D grid.
MakePoint3DGridCreates a point 3D grid structure from individual fields.
MakePoint3DGridFromImageCreating a Point3DGrid structure out of an image obtained from a 3D camera or other external sources that encodes point cloud XYZ coordinates as pixel components of 2D image.
SkipEmptyPoint3DGridSecures against domain errors caused by empty grids, e.g. just before the FitPlaneToPoints filter is to be invoked.
TestPoint3DGridReturns a sample 3D object.