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Image Spatial Transforms Maps

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AccessSpatialMapReturns individual fields of a spatial map.
AddSpatialMapsMakes it possible to use single RemapImage filter even if there are two or more image remapping operations (e.g. lens distortion + perspective distortion).
CombineSpatialMapsMakes it possible to use single RemapImage filter even if there are two or more image remapping operations (e.g. lens distortion + perspective distortion).
ConvertMatrixMapsToSpatialMapJoins two matrices of coordinates to produce a SpatialMap for use in RemapImage.
ConvertSpatialMap_ToNearestReducing quality for the purpose of speed.
ConvertSpatialMapToMatrixMapsSplits a spatial map into two matrices of source coordinates.
CreateCylinderMapInspection of the surface of bottles and other cylindrical objects. The result is used by RemapImage.
CreateImageInversePolarTransformMapData preprocessing for fast inverse polar transform. The result is used by RemapImage.
CreateImagePolarTransformMapData preprocessing for fast image polar transform. The result is used by RemapImage.
CreateImageResizeMapData preprocessing for fast image resize between two constant sizes. The result is used by RemapImage.
CreateImageRotationMapPreprocessing data for fast image rotation by a constant angle. The result is used by RemapImage.
CreateMatrixTransformMapCreates a spatial map which performs transform defined as a 3x3 homography matrix.
CreatePerspectiveMap_PathData preprocessing for fast perspective correction. The result is used by RemapImage.
CreatePerspectiveMap_PointsData preprocessing for fast perspective correction. The result is used by RemapImage.
CreatePincushionMapCreation of a transform map that will be used with the RemapImage filter.
CreateSphereMapInspection of the surface of balls and other spherical objects. The result is used by RemapImage.
RemapImageFast (precomputed) image transformations, especially for view undistortion or object geometry correction (e.g. pos recognition of labels on cylindrical bottles).
TestSpatialMapApplicabilityChecks if a spatial map may be applied to transform the given image.
UnmapPointComputes locations of image point on the source image from image point location on remapped image.