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Select a filter from the list below.

INI_AddBoolValueAdd or update INI value in specified section & key
INI_AddIntegerValueAdd or update INI value in specified section & key
INI_AddRealValueAdd or update INI value in specified section & key
INI_AddSectionAdd new section
INI_AddStringValueAdd or update INI value in specified section & key
INI_AddValueSaves an object to an INI structure.
INI_GetAllSectionKeysGet all key names within a section.
INI_GetAllSectionsGets all section names in the INI.
INI_GetAllValuesGet all values within a section & key
INI_GetBoolValueGet value from section & key.
INI_GetIntegerValueGet value from section & key.
INI_GetRealValueGet value from section & key.
INI_GetStringValueGet value from section & key.
INI_GetValueSaves an object to an XML node.
INI_LoadFileLoads an INI file.
INI_SaveFileSave INI into file