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Geometry 3D Basics

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AccessBox3DReturns individual fields of a box in 3D.
AccessCircle3DReturns individual fields of a circle in 3D.
AccessLine3DReturns individual fields of a line in 3D.
AccessPlaneReturns individual fields of a plane.
AccessPoint3DReturns individual fields of a 3d point.
AccessSegment3DReturns individual fields of a segment 3D.
AccessSphereReturns individual fields of a sphere.
CreateBox3DCreates a box in 3D.
CreateSegment3DProduces a segment in 3D of given parameters.
MakeBox3DCreates a 3D box structure from individual fields.
MakeCircle3DCreates a 3D circle structure from individual fields.
MakeLine3DCreates a line in 3D structure from individual fields.
MakePlaneCreates a plane structure from individual fields.
MakePoint3DCreates a 3D point.
MakeSegment3DCreates a segment 3D structure from individual fields.
MakeSphereCreates a sphere structure from individual fields.
RandomPoint3DCreates random 3D point inside given box
SkipEmptyBox3DSecures against domain errors caused by empty boxes.
TestBox3DEmptyTests whether the box in 3D is empty.
TestBox3DInBox3DTests whether a box in 3D is contained in another one.
TestBox3DIntersectsWithTests whether two boxes in 3D have non-empty intersection.
TestBox3DNotEmptyTests whether the box in 3D is not empty.