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Array Composition

Select a filter from the list below.

AccumulateArrayJoins arrays appearing in consecutive iterations.
AppendToArrayInserts a new element at the end of an array.
FlattenArrayE.g. when multiple points are detected within multiple regions we receive a Point2DArrayArray. This 2D data structure keeps track of which point comes from which region. We can flatten this structure to 1D array by using this filter.
InsertArrayToArrayInserts an array at the specified index of another one.
InsertToArrayInserts a new element to an array at a specified location.
JoinArraysConcatenates the input arrays one after another.
JoinArrays_OfLoopJoins arrays appearing in consecutive iterations.
MergeArraysConcatenates the input arrays from a conditional input, one after another.
RemoveArrayElementRemoves the element of the given index from an array.
RemoveRangeFromArrayRemoves the elements of indices in the given range from an array.
RemoveValueFromArrayRemoves the first or all of the elements of the given value from an array.