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1D Edge Detection

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ScanExactlyNEdgesVery fast object detection (or presence verification), when the expected number of edges is clearly defined.
ScanExactlyNRidgesVery fast detection (or presence verification) of thin structures like scratches or scale marks.
ScanExactlyNStripesVery fast detection (or presence verification) of multiple pairs of opposite edges.
ScanMultipleEdgesVery fast detection of multiple edge points - usually for object counting or displacement detection.
ScanMultipleRidgesVery fast detection of multiple thin structures like scratches or scale marks - usually for counting or distance measurements.
ScanMultipleStripesVery fast detection of multiple pairs of opposite edges - usually for counting or width measurements.
ScanSingleEdgeVery fast detection of an object (e.g. horizontal displacement of a bottle) and simple measurements (e.g. liquid level in a bottle).
ScanSingleRidgeVery fast detection of a thin structure like a scratch or a scale mark.
ScanSingleStripeVery fast detection or measurement of an object defined by a pair of opposite edges.