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Blob Analysis

Icon Name Tools Applications Description
2D Edge Detection
Blob Analysis
Geometry 2D
Profile Analysis
Region Analysis
Defect Detection
Object Localization
Shape Inspection
Inspects a dishwasher capsule for wall bends and black spots. Uses tricky post processing of 2D edge detection results.
Blob Analysis
Object Classification
Classifies eurocent coins into nominals and then computes the total value.
Blob Analysis
Defect Detection
Inspects fuses and finds the melted one.
Inset Distances
1D Edge Detection
Blob Analysis
Geometry 2D
Local Coordinate Systems
Object Localization
Locates an object using fast Blob Analysis and measures a distance between two ridges.
Mounts (Blob Analysis)
Blob Analysis
Defect Detection
Object Classification
Inspects a set of metal mounts and determines the broken elements.
Nails, Screws and Nuts
Blob Analysis
Object Classification
Separates nails from screws and nuts by performing simple region classification.
Seat Mount
Blob Analysis
Geometry 2D
Template Matching
Object Localization
Measures the distance between two holes in a metal part. The holes are detected with a mix of Template Matching and Blob Analysis.
Blob Analysis
Image Processing
Defect Detection
Presence Checking
Inspects a conveyor of a production line detecting missing or damaged tablets.
Blob Analysis
Geometry 2D
Shape Fitting
Shape Inspection
Measures the deviation between the inner and outer contour of each washer.