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Select Filter Equivalent below.

AccessXmlNodeGets information from the XmlNode object.
StringToXmlNodeParses text as an XML tree.
Xml_AddChildNodesAppends new children nodes to the XML node.
Xml_AddChildNodes_OfArrayAppends new children nodes to the XML node.
Xml_AppendAttributesAppends new attributes to the node.
Xml_CreateNodeCreates a new XmlNode.
Xml_GetBoolAttributeGets a node attribute value as Bool.
Xml_GetChildNodeGets a node child.
Xml_GetChildNode_OrNilGets a node child.
Xml_GetIntegerAttributeGets a node attribute value as Integer.
Xml_GetNodeTextGets the text from the selected node.
Xml_GetRealAttributeGets a node attribute value as Real.
Xml_GetStringAttributeGets a node attribute value as String.
Xml_LoadFileLoads an XML tree from the file.
Xml_SaveFileSaves an XML DOM tree to the file.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsBoolsSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsIntegersSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsRealsSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleAttributes_AsStringsSelects attributes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodesSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsBoolsSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsIntegersSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsRealsSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectMultipleNodeValues_AsStringsSelects nodes from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsBoolSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsIntegerSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsRealSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleAttribute_AsStringSelect attribute from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeSelects a node from the XML tree using an XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsBoolSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsIntegerSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsRealSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SelectSingleNodeValue_AsStringSelects node from the XML tree using XPath request.
Xml_SetAttributesSet values of attributes which were selected using XPath request.
Xml_SetNodeValuesSet values of nodes which were selected using XPath request.
XmlNodeToStringConverts an XML tree to the string.