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AvsFilter_ConcatenateStringsJoins two or more strings into a single one.
AvsFilter_ConcatenateStrings_OfLoopJoins strings appearing in consecutive iterations.
AvsFilter_SortStringsSort an array of strings
ConcatenateStrings_OfArrayJoins multiple strings into a single one.
EraseStringRemoves a part of a string.
FindInStringFinds first occurrence of a substring in the input string.
FindLastInStringFinds last occurrence of a substring in the input string.
FormatDoubleToStringUseful for preparing a number for display or communication with specific number of fractional digits, sign etc.
FormatIntegerToStringUseful for preparing a number for display or communication with specific number of digits, sign etc.
FormatRealToStringUseful for preparing a number for display or communication with specific number of fractional digits, sign etc.
FormatStringCreates a string according to the given format and data.
InsertToStringInserts a string into another one at the given position.
LoadTextLoads a text from a file.
LoadTextLinesLoads text lines from a file.
NumericCodesToStringConverts an integer array of character codes (UTF-16) into a string.
ReplaceInStringReplaces all occurrences of the searched string with a replacement string.
SaveTextSaves a text to a file.
SaveTextLinesSaves text lines to a file.
SkipEmptyStringUsed before operations that given an empty string would raise a domain error.
SplitStringDivides the input string into an array of strings using the specified delimiters.
SplitStringIntoCharactersSplits the input string into individual characters.
StringLengthReturns the number of characters in a string.
StringToLowerCaseMakes a string lowercase.
StringToNumericCodesConverts string to an integer array of character codes (UTF-16).
StringToUpperCaseMakes a string uppercase.
SubstringCreates a string from a fragment of the input string.
TestStringEarlierThanChecks whether the input string is earlier alphabetically than a reference string.
TestStringEmptyTests whether the length of a string equals zero.
TestStringEqualToCompares two strings character by character.
TestStringUnequalToCompares two strings character by character.