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Captures an image from a smart camera. Allows for remote access to the runtime system.


bool avl::Smart_GrabImage_WebCamera
	Smart_State& ioState,
	const avl::SmartIPAddress& inIpAddress,
	atl::Optional<int> inDeviceID,
	avl::Image& outImage,
	bool& outIsRemote


Name Type Default Description
ioState Smart_State& Object used to maintain state of the function.
inIpAddress const SmartIPAddress& IP address of the runtime system
inDeviceID Optional<int> NIL Tries to find the camera in all available IDs (UserID, VendorName, ModelName...)
outImage Image& Captured frame
outIsRemote bool& Specifies whether the program is currently executed on the runtime (True) or development (False) system


  • Check the IP address of your runtime system (e.g. using the "ipconfig" command) and set it to the inIpAddress input.
  • Run the program on you runtime system and the camera filter will acquire images directly on it.
  • Run the program on your development machine (e.g. your laptop) connected to the same Ethernet and the camera filter will receive images through a connection with the runtime system.

Multithreaded environment

This function is not guaranteed to be thread-safe. When used in multithreaded environment, it has to be manually synchronized.


List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
RuntimeError Smart_GrabImage_WebCamera is not supported in the Lite edition.