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Creates a segment region.


void avl::CreateSegmentRegion
	const avl::Segment2D& inSegment,
	atl::Optional<const avl::CoordinateSystem2D&> inSegmentAlignment,
	int inWidth,
	int inFrameWidth,
	int inFrameHeight,
	bool inRound,
	avl::Region& outRegion,
	atl::Optional<avl::Segment2D&> outAlignedSegment = atl::NIL


Name Type Range Default Description
inSegment const Segment2D&
inSegmentAlignment Optional<const CoordinateSystem2D&> NIL
inWidth int 1 - Segment width
inFrameWidth int 0 -
inFrameHeight int 0 -
inRound bool Make ends of segment round
outRegion Region& Output region
outAlignedSegment Optional<Segment2D&> NIL

Optional Outputs

The computation of following outputs can be switched off by passing value atl::NIL to these parameters: outRegion, outAlignedSegment.

Read more about Optional Outputs.


Filter creates region based on an input Segment2D. To specify line width use inWidth.

Filter creates segment region by creating rectangle located between inSegment points. To make ends round use inRound.


Example region with inRound=False
Example region with inRound=True